Summer seminars of Psychosomatics

In July, two events were held on the topic of Psychosomatics of Instrumental Playing under leadership of Jana Kubankova.

First event, “Introduction to psychosomatic approach in instrumental teaching”, was opened for elementary music school teachers and offered an insight to method. Teachers had an opportunity to get an empirical experience of elementary techniques through personal trying on various activities and exercises.

Second event, “Psychosomatics of Violin Playing”, was opened for conservatory and university students. During the week everyday collective seminars and individual lessons, students got familiar with psychosomatic approach and had an opportunity to apply the principles straight on their own playing. Special focus was payed to motion mechanics and motional patterns, stress elimination and work with stage fright, students also learned easy psychohygiene techniques. Integral part of the week was creative work.

Traditional summer seminars for Meadowmount School of Music in the US was not held due to Corona situation.

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