International Projects

Recital Invitation

Posted on October 10, 2019

On 23rd of October, concert project Lonely Self will be presented at beautifully reconstructed spaces of The new Synagogue in Žilina, Slovakia. More about this unique transformation of synagogue to space of modern art can be found on this official web link.

Being Medea. Project News.

Posted on September 10, 2019

International Artistic project of Czech – German cooperation right on anniversary of the beginning of the II. W. War and 30 years from end of The Iron Curtain… Topic of emigration, minority, waiting right behind the walls of free world which does not open the door… A Music-Theatre-Play by excellent German scriptwriter and stage manager Stephan Bestier and Czech music composer Martin Hybler.  We are happy to announce new web page of the premiere project!

Psychosomatics of violin playing. Seminars.

Posted on September 1, 2019

Psychosomatics of instrument playing deals with many topics, generally it is a key discipline to succeed in instrumental training. With students, during our seminars, we usually deal with topics of stress elimination and effective work with stage fright, compensation of practice drill and tention caused by hard playing, effectiveness of time planning and practice, but also creatvity and autenticity in expression, communication and creation in groups. During the last months, jana Kubánková held several of such seminars for various groupsRead More

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