Psychosomatics of violin playing. Seminars.

Psychosomatics of instrument playing deals with many topics, generally it is a key discipline to succeed in instrumental training. With students, during our seminars, we usually deal with topics of stress elimination and effective work with stage fright, compensation of practice drill and tention caused by hard playing, effectiveness of time planning and practice, but also creatvity and autenticity in expression, communication and creation in groups. During the last months, jana Kubánková held several of such seminars for various groups of students.

Hlavní budova Meadowmount School of Music

Intensive seminars for students at Meadowmount School of Music v USA.

The second venue of these seminars took place at Medaowmount School between 23rd of June and 7th of July. Seminars were held for students of 13 and 14 years of age.

Seminars were held every day and we dealed mostly with the topic of stress elimination, pracice effectiveness, concentration and communication. We also tried creative work with graphic scores.

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Seminar “Somatics, Improvisation, Freedom”.

Seminar was held during the masterclasses of eminent Czech violinist Bohuslav Matoušek.

Students of masterclasses were given the opportunity to taste couple of basic techniques for work with stress and stage fright. They could also try basic techniques of free improvisation with violinist and coach Anna Romanovska to open their expressivity. In the end a composition – electronics, named Six Walls by V. Matousek based on his experience form communistic prison, was played and students could try to join in.

Seminars for young violinists at elementary school, Jablonec nad Nisou.

Two seminars were held for young violinists between 5 – 11 years old. Little violinists with Jana dealed with creative work with notes and graphic scores, they made their original music on our own stories and they also learned easy physical compensation of violin practicing.

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