What does it mean to be an artist for me?

I love the power of art to share messages. May be even small ones, just sips of everyday essence, or the important ones that question our society about the way we live, the direction we go, the actions we take. All of those make much sense to all of us no matter if we look or listen. Art influences the steps of society. All the artistic messages shape and constitute us. Even the small sips do.

Therefore I take my artistic work not only as a joy to have this beautiful opportunity to light out that I feel, think and perceive, but mostly as a responsibility to all those who I share my messages with.

Art is much freedom, but also care and responsibility. In every part of my artistic life, as performer, coach or author I am always trying to keep this in my mind and take all my action as steps for the future, not only mine, but also yours.

You can find more about my artist statement on my authorial work under the button AUTHORIAL of the menu.

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