

I see reality as energy, flow of waves creating ongoing shapes, relationships, objects of our attraction, impulses of our senses. I use analog camera as well as violin to catch these waves and recreate them in a shape of message, expression, embodiment of what comes to me from both outer and my inner world and their interaction.

My general artistic issue is Manifestation of Embodiment, particularly our awareness of being embodied.

My general artistic issue is Manifestation of Embodiment, particularly our awareness of being embodied.

How our awareness of being embodied affects our action in outer context, in our relationships, decision making? How much our lack of this awareness destroys not only our inner world but also the outer one by missing personal connection? Isn’t this one of the overall reasons why we lack respect to diversity, empathy with other people, connection to our own ground?

Disconnection and distrust to our own inner aspect, both body and mind, affects our care to outer realities… How can we treat the nature healthy way if we are not able to treat even our bodies with respect and awareness? How can we care of peoples emotions and needs once we are not even able to deal with our own ones? How can we reach fullness of our inner experience when we let the objective measures from outside explain us who we really are?

There is no purely objective such as purely subjective reality. Understanding principles subject-objective realism, dialogue of inner basis of human and outer aspect of reality constituting all experience, may recover our balance within our own worlds, both inner and outer ones…

I draw an inspiration from dialogues of my inner aspect with outer world, but also from the works of Maurice Merleau-Ponty on phenomenology, Francisco Varela on embodied cognition, Carl Gustav Jung on creativity and individuation process and somatic practice on body and mind connection by Rudolf Laban.

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